Guides and Tutorials on Sustainability Ratings

Guides and Tutorials on Sustainability Ratings

By understanding and applying sustainability ratings, you contribute to a greener, fairer future for everyone.


EU Green Public Procurement (GPP): Guidelines and criteria for sustainable procurement practices applicable to schools, municipalities, and organizations across Europe. It includes practical toolkits for purchasing environmentally friendly products and services (

European Commission Education for Climate Coalition: A platform for educators and students to collaborate on climate-related projects and share resources. Free toolkits and networking opportunities for climate education (

LIFE Programme: The EU’s funding instrument for environmental and climate action, supporting projects that promote sustainability and innovation. Offers funding opportunities and showcases funded projects as examples (

European Climate Pact: A European Commission initiative encouraging individuals, schools, and organizations to take climate action by providing tools and resources. Includes pledges, toolkits, and collaboration opportunities for climate action (

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP): A hub for information and best practices related to the circular economy, showcasing initiatives and tools across Europe. Features case studies, interactive maps, and action plans (

Eco-Label Index: A global directory of eco-labels, including those used extensively in Europe, helping consumers understand product certifications and ratings. Searchable by country and product category:

Understanding and applying sustainability ratings is a critical step toward fostering a more sustainable world. These ratings provide valuable insights into the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices of organizations, products, or services, empowering individuals, businesses, and policymakers to make informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.

By integrating sustainability ratings into everyday decisions, individuals and organizations alike contribute to reducing environmental harm, fostering social equity, and ensuring a fairer and healthier planet for future generations.

European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS): EMAS is a management tool for organizations, including schools, to evaluate and improve their environmental performance. It includes guidelines for implementing sustainability measures and certifications. (

European Consumer Organization (BEUC): Provides information on sustainable consumption and product ratings, focusing on transparency and environmental impact. Resources on eco-labels, greenwashing, and responsible purchasing (

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